Well this week seemed difficult, but the scales still rewarded me with another 5lb loss, taking my total now to 61lbs in 8 weeks.
I say difficult because I had some mysterious illness that hit over the weekend. It felt like a cross between flu, without the snot and being drunk. I also developed the desire to eat, even when I didn't feel hungry. Luckily there was no junk food in the house, and I was in no fit state to drive to the shops, so I couldn't do that much damage. By Monday I was feeling great again and back on plan.
I read somewhere that when you are eating a high fat / calorie diet and your liver and kidneys can't cope with the high influx of chemicals and toxins, it will store some of the fat soluble chemicals in fat cells. When you start to burn the stored fat, the toxins are released and the liver then does it's thing. I wonder if this brief 'illness' wasn't just my body opening up a new strata of lard and the stored fatty toxins from a couple of greasy kebab, chips and garlic bread meals making an unwelcome return.
This week was the first week when I didn't manage to get another weight loss award and the sticker for my book, but I have been more active over the last few weeks and was awarded my bronze F.I.T. award. This award is for increasing your physical activity and sustaining the level for four weeks. Over the last month I've managed to do at least two bouts of gardening and at least 3, 15 minute walks each week. To get my silver award I need to step my activity levels, so that I'm exercising for at least an hour and a half each week, split into 3 sessions.
So to save my poor knees and the town's pavements from my constant plodding, I'm joining the gym tomorrow. I'm luck in that our local gym doesn't tie you in to a lengthy contract, you can just pay for each month you use the facilities. From previous health kick I found I enjoy the elliptical or cross trainer. It provides a good cardio workout, with almost no strain on my knees or injured spine. I'll report in later in the week with a progress report.
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