Monday, 14 July 2014

Keeping you honest

Call it determination, strength of character or just plain old willpower, you need it in bucketfuls to succeed on any weight loss plan.

For pretty much all of us trying to lose weight, we got here the same way: Too much of the foods we like and the food we like are packed with calories. There will be times when you hear that lonely packet of cookies calling out to you for company, or you may be seduced by that dark, velvety mistress called chocolate. Avoiding temptation will only go so far, cravings can be a powerful foe.

So here are a few tips to help when cravings strike. 

  • Write down all the reasons why you want to lose weight on post-it notes and stick them to the fridge and food cupboard doors. When you feel the need to over indulge, take a moment to read a couple of the notes. Will the cookie really taste as nice as reaching that goal you set yourself?
  • Find a mantra or saying that you can say to yourself as you reach for the sweets. The old stalwart, 'A moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips' is good, I like 'Short term gain, long term pain'. Find something that applies to you and use it. Don't just say it to yourself then munch the candy anyway. Think about what it means, how that little harmless sweetie couldn't possibly do you any harm, until you send the rest of the packet down as a search party.
  • Identify your worse trigger foods and write down their calorie values, then next to each food, write down how long it would take to burn off those calories on the treadmill at the gym. For example to burn off the calories in one Snickers bar, takes thirty long and sweaty minutes on a treadmill. That tiny little bar contains 13% of the calories you need in an entire day. Ask yourself, would you be prepared to do the time on the treadmill before eating the chocolate?
  • Studies have shown that willpower is linked to stress. The more stressed you feel, the weaker your resolve to make unpleasant decisions. So after a long stressful day you have little willpower in reserve to fight off the cravings. Fight the stress and you will strengthen your willpower. Find a way to relax and de-stress towards the end of the day. The endorphin release from exercise is a proven stress buster. A relaxing bath with some calming music, a walk in a park or play with the kids. Find something that works for you. 
  • Apparently willpower is like a muscle, use it or lose it, they say. You can boost your willpower by using it more often. During the day find things you have been putting off doing, for whatever reason and do them. By doing tasks that you are reluctant to perform, you are helping yourself develop self discipline and in turn building up your will power.
  • Try to break a habit. It might be something that has annoyed you (or your partner), or something simple like if you drink three cups of coffee a day, cut down to two. Changing habits is another way to strengthen willpower. 
You are not going to develop amazing will power over night, but it will get easier over time. Remember this is not a diet, this is you living a healthier lifestyle for the rest of your life.

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