Wednesday 10 July 2013

Two weeks in...

Two weeks in and I'm already two notches in on my belt.

I'm going to be blogging about my journey towards a healthier me. I'll be posting healthy recipes, interesting things I discover about food, dieting and fitness.

I've tried a lot of diets and eating schemes, some work well, others just left me feeling hungry. This time I'm doing things a little differently, no hard and fast rules bar one.
Eat sensible food and try to be more active. I find calorie counting, weighing food, recording every item I eat tiresome after a couple of weeks. I'm also avoiding the bathroom scales this time.

The emotional stress of a bad weigh-in is hard. No matter how hard I worked on my diet that week, spending time in the gym, the feeling I experienced when I didn't see the scales reflect my hard work was frequently enough to trigger needing a comfort food reward.

So this time round I know the simple fact that eating a healthy and balanced diet, combined with increasing my activity levels will result in weight loss and an improvement in my health. I am planning on monitoring my progress with how my clothes fit and the progression down through the different sized clothes in my wardrobe.


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